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The Long-Term Health Benefits of Pregnancy

The Long-Term Health Benefits of Pregnancy - When Does Life Begin?

When talking about pregnancy, we often hear about all the aches, pains, and postpartum recovery that women endure to welcome their new babies into this world. However, we rarely hear about all the long-term health benefits that pregnancy provides.

Reduced risk of cancer

A woman experiences many hormonal shifts during pregnancy and postpartum. Did you know these hormonal shifts actually reduce her risk of many cancers? Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone promote cell growth. However, with lower estrogen and progesterone levels, pregnant women have a reduced risk of developing endometrial, breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers. Furthermore, breastfeeding is shown to reduce a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.

Better heart health

Breastfeeding is beneficial for not only the baby but Mom as well, as it reduces her risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Breastfeeding mothers produce a hormone called oxytocin (also known as “the love hormone”) which reduces cortisol levels and blood pressure. Breastfeeding also helps postpartum mothers lose weight/body fat, which supports heart health. 

Reduced risk of M.S.

Multiple sclerosis (M.S.) is an autoimmune disease that affects approximately 2.8 million people worldwide. People with autoimmune diseases have immune systems that attack healthy cells in the body. However, when you are pregnant, your immune system shifts to avoid attacking the baby. Even after giving birth, mothers still carry some of their babies’ cells within their bodies, limiting their immune systems from attacking.

Menstrual relief

Pregnant women obviously do not have their periods for the duration of their pregnancies. However, many women—specifically women who had vaginal deliveries—have reported experiencing easier periods and less painful menstrual cramps postpartum.


Learn more about the various stages of fetal development (conception, first, second, and third trimester) and don’t forget to follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok).



National Library of Medicine

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